The Trachten Erhaltungs Verein Edelweiss (T.E.V. Edelweiss) Klub was founded in 1958 to preserve the customs and traditions of Germany. The Klub also provides a means for German immigrants and German-Americans to gather and share in those traditions and further friendships between the United States and Germany. We uphold customs within our many activity groups: Karneval, Schuhplattler, Top of the Hill, Volkstanz, Skier, and "Sprechen Sie Deutsch" Gruppen.

We are a PRIVATE Social Klub, and we host monthly special events for all our members. Guests are welcome by invitation only from a current member.

Tickets ON SALE NOW! - Paco Erhard Comedy - 5 Step Guide To Being German! - Nov. 17, 2024
Tickets ON SALE NOW!


Saturday, Okt 19
Please RSVP

Click Here For All Of The Details

Do you have German Books to Donate?

Do you have books written in German that you would like to donate? Great! We want to hear from you. The TEV Edelweiss is building a library for our books written in German. We accept any types of books written in German. When our library is completed, the books will be available to anyone with a desire to read German.

If you have books to donate, please call and leave a message at 303-289-5621. We are still cataloging over 1,500 books. These are just some of the many different types of books we have.

  • Abenteuer / Adventure
  • Anekdoten
  • Architektur
  • Ausbildung / Education
  • Autobiographie
  • Biographie
  • Christmas
  • Crime Fiction / Kriminalliteratur
  • Deutsch lernen
  • Drama
  • Erzählungen
  • Fiction / Erdichtung
  • Fotografie
  • Gärtnern / Gardening
  • Gedichte / poems
  • Geographie
  • Geschichte / History
  • Health / Gesundheit
  • Karneval Fasching
  • Kindergeschichten / Kids stories
  • Kochbuch
  • Lexikon
  • Liederbuch
  • Literatur
  • Märchenbuch
  • Magazine
  • Medizin
  • Medizin Buch
  • Memories= Denkschrift / Memoir
  • Militär Krieg Geschichte
  • Musik
  • Non Fiction / Sachliteratur
  • Novel (fiction) / Roman
  • Oceanography / Meeresforschung
  • Oper
  • Orchestermusik
  • Philosophie
  • Politik
  • Psychologie
  • Psychthriller
  • Reisebericht
  • Sagen / Sprüche
  • Satirisches / Humor
  • Schauspiel / Play
  • Schul Regeln
  • Schulbuch
  • Science / Wissenschaft
  • Sport Geschichte
  • Tiere
  • Tourismus
  • Übersetzung
  • Weihnachten
  • Werke
  • Witzbuch


Tickets ON SALE NOW! - Paco Erhard Comedy - 5 Step Guide To Being German! - Nov. 17, 2024
Tickets ON SALE NOW!


T.E.V. Edelweiss Klub, Morrison, CO

© 2011-2024
All material is copyrighted by
T.E.V. Edelweiss-Denver, Incorporated